Our diary for all the electricians was already full for the day but you know that feeling you get when you know you just need to do what you can to re-jig the diary and help this customer. So thats what we did and I managed myself to attend mid-morning and as you can see from the photo, people should never under estimate what electricity in the home can do when things go wrong and why its always a good idea to have an electrician periodically inspect the electrics in your property.
A loose connection within the main switch had went undetected for while which resulted in this nasty burning of the cable and switches, which as you can imagine could have led to a much worse situation.
Thankfully though less than two hours later we had fitted new parts and managed to get some heat back in the home of this elderly customer.
You know after these types of jobs you get a scense of a warm glow that you know that a job you have done had made someone happy and I suppose thats what makes it all worthwhile.

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